New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

Federation Activities

Corelogic's RPNZ for property investors - a special subscription offer.

Are you keen to get the property data and analytical tools to help you grow your investment portfolio?  

Corelogic is offering you a subscription of $80 a month - usually $250 - to get real property intelligence through accessing RPNZ.  Already convinced - register here by the 20th November 2015.  

Want to know more?  Read on.

Corelogic gives 5 reasons why investors should use RPNZ.  These are:

1. Get the inside edge

Compete on an even playing field by accessing the same property insights used by real estate agents, mortgage advisers, valuers and major banks

2. Estimate your potential returns.

Check whether the numbers stack up by using Corlogic's CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) tool to get access to comparable property information

3. Visualise local activity

With Corelogic's interactive mapping functionality you can overlay property data onto cadastral maps and aerial photographs to visually see what's happening in an area/suburb of interest to you.

4. Keep an eye on the market.

Build a portfolio 'Watch List' to get tailored alerts of recent sales of new listings in an area/street/property profile which interests you.

5. Uncover opportunity.

Search withdrawn listings, view the sales hsitory for properties you are interested in, plus much more.

For a detailed overview of Corelogic and RPNZ go here

We need at least 21 members of Associations to take up this offer for this special subscription price to apply.