New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

ST-620 Thermoptek Smoke Alarms

ST-620 Thermoptek Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms save lives  

Obtain smoke alarms for your tenants from Bunnings, showing your NZPIF card as you make your purchase



There is information about installing smoke alarms including a short web video here.


Warranty information

For those who have previously purchased smoke alarms through NZPIF, the distributor has said that they are responsible for the warranty on the alarms. They said it is very unusual to get problems, but they are happy to deal directly with any member that needs an alarm replaced. Please contact Emma George, the NZPIF contact at Harkness Young ( quoting the Order ID and P/O of the order from which the faulty alarm came or Jan Hains at  if you have any problems with faulty alarms.



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