New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

News & Updates

Recent updates

  • Will rental WOFs make the grade?
    On paper it sounds like a great idea. A checklist for rental properties which, if mandatory, would ensure that the 31 per cent of the population who rent are in liveable homes. Increasingly, though, there are murmurs from landlords and real estate agents about whether the rental "warrant of fitness" idea being proposed at council level will improve the tenant's lot.
    23-02-2014 more >>
  • Regional Review: Porirua pulse
    Porirua is a diverse and underrated location for investors and tenants alike. If variety is the spice of life, Porirua is hot. Once seen as merely a satellite city of Wellington, Porirua is now a diverse and bustling region that draws all types of people and industries.
    16-08-2012 more >>
  • Wellington rents drop as job cuts bite
    Rents in Wellington are dropping as demand slumps due to cutbacks to the public sector.
    11-01-2012 more >>

  • Results: 1-3 of 3