New Zealand Property Investors' Federation

The NZPIF is the umbrella body for 17 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.

(027) 357 9243

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Bang for your buck

The power of our members brings us many benefits beyond the networking and educational aspects of connecting with like-minded people.  The New Zealand Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) plays a valuable role in providing its nationwide Property Investor Association ‘member groups’ with impartial information that is shared, and also carries out valuable advocacy work on behalf of all property investors. 

NZPIF  have been meeting with politicians from all major parties who recognise the importance of the housing crisis as an election issue.  When policies are announced national media are quick to ask our members responses as the only national not for profit network of property investors.

Our influence is also extended through our family of sponsors to complement our everyday work, and locally many of the Associations have local sponsors/business partners who are very supportive financially.  Many members save more than the cost of membership through their Bunnings discounts alone.  The discount varies depending on the mark up on each item, but some appliances and plumbing products  have significant savings.    Some areas have a Mitre 10 nearby who also provide us with excellent prices. First Lane Insurance Brokers together with Initio provide insurance tailored to rental homes, and also cover short term rentals.   Fuel is another saving with a year of discounts from McKeowns and partners also covering the cost of membership.   Insurance, heat pumps, appliances and tenancy services are all part of the range of suppliers offering big savings to members.

The NZ Property Investor magazine has become our national news network keeping us updated on national events and a wide range of industry stories and information.  The magazine owners (Opes Partners) have done more than ensure it carries the NZPIF news and events; they have also given members a bonus magazine, Informed Investor, which carries investment news of a wider nature.  The current copy has some excellent articles about the ‘20 year holiday’ property investors spend their life planning for by making careful investments.  The long term goal of a comfortable retirement is what drives many property investors.

For current knowledge about managing tenancies an education certificate course, Rentskills, is free for members.  Suitable for self-managing landlords and members with managed rentals, the 13 modules are easy to navigate.   Rentskills is the only education programme of its kind for owners and an accessible and convenient way to ensure knowledge of the Residential Tenancies Act and best practice in managing tenants.  The course is free to members.

The power of knowledge means information about our marketplace is what drives our investing plans and the biggest bang from your buck can be from networking with other members at meetings and Conference.  Just one snippet of information can positively influence your investing decisions in a big way and these come in all directions through the members network and information sources. or email to join up now.


Tags: federation reports